Friday, May 22, 2009

Christian Rock

When most people think of christian rock, they think soft rock with overt christian messages. However there are lots of bands that have been breaking out of that mold to get their message out. Lots of them have gotten some heavy radio play. The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus has less obvious christian undertones but they are still there.

Christian rock has been breaking into all sorts of different genres. Screemo bands are one of the
newest mediums to spread the message of god. It can be difficult to understand them and pull
any meaning or words from it but the under the screaming and electric guitar the message is still
christian. One example of a christian screemo band is The Devil Wears Prada.

Rastafari music in my mind still counts as christian music. It spreads a religous message through music and Rastafari is more christian than anything
else. Granted the messages are of a very different nature than the average christian rock band. While christian rock focuses on how God is good,
and will help you out, Rastafari music spreads the word about the Rastas and encourages people to rebel against the western power structure and to get in touch with African roots.

What was once a very narrow and niche genre of music has spread into all sorts of genres.
Many people listen to the music our of catchiness or popularity and are oblivious to the strong
messages and undertones that lie beneath the music. I can't help but wonder when another major
religion will break into the American music scene. Buddhist rock could be interesting.

1 comment:

  1. the post bleeds off the edge so that I can't read everything.. see if you can work on that..
